Foundational Software Solutions for Medical Devices

Foundational Software Solutions for Medical Devices

Medical device manufacturers operate in an environment filled with intense market pressures, stringent safety regulations and concerns about cyberthreats. These manufacturers must also meet costly and difficult safety goals and create complex and connected software-defined designs. To ensure that medical devices are safe, reliable, secure and safety-certifiable, manufacturers need to use a software foundation specifically designed for safety, cybersecurity and secure connectivity.

BlackBerry® QNX® embedded software solutions help medical device manufacturers innovate and rapidly deliver safe, secure medical applications to market. Their solutions scale to meet the requirements of medical applications that range from small-footprint, real-time applications such as ventilators and infusion pumps to full-featured applications such as robotic surgery, imaging and monitoring systems. BlackBerry QNX provides a clear path from Linux-based prototypes to medical devices ready for Class C certification.

BlackBerry QNX, provide solutions that are trusted by leading medical device manufacturers. They also work closely with silicon partners such as the ARM® vendor ecosystem, Intel™ and major board vendors globally to deliver safe, secure and reliable software solutions.

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